Memory IBM 8Gb #1934
Stok | Tersedia |
Kategori | Server |
Memory IBM 8Gb #1934
Memory IBM 8Gb 1934 ( 2x4Gb), System p5 550Q Express Memory
Compatible with IBM eServer pSeries P5-505 ( P5-505) , pSeries p5 520 Express, eServer pSeries p5 550 Express, pSeries P5-550Q ( P5-550Q) , System p5 505 Express ( 9115-505) , System p5 505Q Express ( 9115 505) , System p5 510 Express ( 9110-51A) , System p5 510Q Express ( 9110-51A) , System p5 520 Express ( 9131-52A) , System p5 520Q Express ( 9131-52A) , System p5 550 Express ( 9133-55A) , System p5 550Q Express ( 9133-55A) , System p5 560Q Express ( 9116-560) , System p5 560Q ( 9116-561) , IntelliStation POWER 285,
IntelliStation POWER 285 Express.
Harga USD 5,000
Hubungi kami :
0811 874 3799, 0818-929786
Tags: harga memory ibm server, ibm memory - 8 gb - dimm 240-pin - ddr3, ibm memory 1934, ibm memory branch mode, ibm memory card, ibm memory check, ibm memory chipkill, ibm memory compression, ibm memory cube, ibm memory db, ibm memory ddr3, ibm memory dump, ibm memory dump analyser, ibm memory error 9f, ibm memory error code, ibm memory guide, ibm memory heap, ibm memory hemisphere mode, ibm memory key, ibm memory leak, ibm memory leak analysis, ibm memory mirroring, ibm memory performance, ibm memory pool, ibm memory price, ibm memory problem, ibm memory ram, ibm memory rank sparing, ibm memory redbook, ibm memory riser card, ibm memory upgrade, ibm memory upgrades, ibm memory usage, ibm memory visualizer, jual memory ibm, jual memory ibm server, Memory IBM #1934, memory ibm hs22, memory ibm r40, memory ibm r50, memory ibm r50e, memory ibm r51, memory ibm r52, memory ibm r60, memory ibm server
Memory IBM 8Gb #1934
Berat | 300 gram |
Kondisi | Baru |
Dilihat | 3.421 kali |
Diskusi | Belum ada komentar |
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